1. Hi Cheryl! I’m enjoying this. It took me awhile to figure out “The More or Less Formula”. As a novice knitter, it is exciting to find out how sleeves are added,buttonholes made, etc. And now I can do it. Yay!!! I just have the collar left to do now. I can’t thank you enough for your offering this for free. And being there to answer questions. God bless you.
    Hugs, Mary

  2. Cheryl, I have progressed happily along with knitting this little boy’s sweater…until reaching the buttonhole band. It has been my nemesis! In picking up 20 stitches from the top edge and beginning the K1P1 ribbing from the bottom, (starting with a purl), by row three I am starting with a purl stitch. This throws everything off for the button holes! When I tried to follow the bind-off chart, I ended up with 2 Stitches between buttonholes and excess stitches at the bottom. Please tell what I am doing wrong.

  3. I’m confused by this Pamela . . . I’m not sure what the problem is when starting row 3 with a purl . . . but I wonder if you picked up the sts unevenly? And coincidentally, 20sts is what I used in the video that explains this. Maybe that’s not the right number of sts for your gauge? Did you draw a diagram like mine of where you start and end the buttonholes? Can you send me a photo at cb@cherylbrunette.com?

  4. Hi Cheryl

    Thanks so much for this fabulous course – I’ve loved rushing back from work to the next lesson an$ so proud of my little sweater. I am trying to decide on whether I want the hard or soft copy of sweater 101 but if it’s more of the same I can’t wait. You are a wonderful te@cher


  5. You are so welcome Maria! I’m glad it helped you make a little sweater with which you are happy! 😀

  6. Hi Cheryl,
    I finished ‘your sweater’ yesterday evening and I’m thrilled with it.
    I have been knitting since I was about 6 year old and used to tuck the ball of wool under my arm as I walked to school. It was the scarf of many colours and I quickly learnt how to pick up stitches!
    I have never really had a problem with my tension but my finishing was not always as good as I would wish. That is where my biggest learning has been with your course.
    I found you by accident Cheryl whilst searching for something to do because of the virus and our ‘lock down’. I had to recycle a child’s cardigan I had knitted 10 years ago for our first grandchild in order to start to knit. The wool was a baby Alpaca DK and the size has worked out perfectly.
    So many of your tips have helped me make the most beautiful little sweater. I am truly delighted with it and want to thank you very much.
    I loved the way you presented the course and promise you I will definitely be more brave with my knitting thanks to you.
    With every good wish.

  7. Thank you for this lovely comment Chris, and I’m sorry for finding it only now. I was literally in the middle of moving, camping out in my studio for a few weeks, when it came in and was up to my neck in packing and finishing my son’s Christmas sweater. It was finished but I have to confess that I do not like putting in zippers. I am delighted, really delighted, to have helped you.

  8. Hi Cheryl,
    Should the button hole band lay directly on top of the button band or should it hang over the button band a little ? Thank you.

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