Win a 90-minute Private Knitting Help Session

CONGRATULATIONS for entering this giveaway. There are 2 ways to win.

1) Think about your most compelling knitting problem, especially a sweater problem, then go to THIS GOOGLE FORM and fill it out by midnight July 31, 2018.

It’s short and sweet.  I’ll choose the first winner based on the problem I find most intriguing and doable in that amount of time. If there are a number of problems that sound interesting to me I’ll put them in a hat and pull one out.

2) Tell your friends about the giveaway and encourage them to enter. Give them this link: and have them fill out the form by midnight July 31, 2018. The person who convinces the most people to go for it will win the second free session (except me, of course, because my name will probably appear most often).

Announce it on your blog, Facebook page, Ravelry forums you frequent, Twitter feed, on Instagram (can you do that?), at your knitting guild meeting, weekly knitting gathering, in your local yarn shop (ask the owner first), at your City Council meeting (just kidding about that one).

You are giving someone a chance to get expert knitting help, and I want you to encourage people to BE BRAVE. For many people it feels risky and vulnerable to ask for help. Too often I hear “This is probably a dumb question . . .” or worse, “I should already know this . . .” and I want you to help everyone banish those thoughts. How else are you supposed to learn if you don’t ask questions, and how can you know something before you know it? It would be like me being born knowing welding. I wasn’t. No one was born knowing knitting either.

I’ll announce the winners via email on August 11, 2018, my 71st birthday . . . (and “Happy Birthday to Me!” because I get to contemplate some knotty problems and I love that even better than challenging Sudoku which I love a lot).

P.S. Learn more about the SOS Private Help Sessions at